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will sufficient to draw lawyers away 2022 coster

Much like their position at the end of 2015, in which the average midsize law firm outperformed its Am Law 100 counterparts in terms of demand growth, the same is true through the mid-point of 2022. And while other trends such as dramatically increasing overhead expenses and associate compensation are placing a drag on the financial results for midsize law firms, many other fundamental markers are looking quite positive.

The latest edition of the Report on the State of the Midsize Legal Market, published by the Thomson Reuters Institute, offers an in-depth exploration of a number of factors contributing to a generally

 bullish picture for midsize law firms. It is also worth noting, however, that numerous challenges remain.

For example, midsize law firms have generally fared well in terms of attorney attrition. In fact, research from the Thomson Reuters Institute indicates that midsize law firms make up a disproportionate percentage of what has been dubbed “Stay” law firms, those firms with lower rates of attorney turnover that may be indicative of those firms being a desirable place for attorneys to work. For obvious reasons, this is a positive finding, particularly in light of the fact that midsize law firms tend to have lower associate compensation scales and generally offer smaller raises. The clear implication is that for at least some lawyers, a good working environment is about more than just money.

However, the competition for associate talent has unquestionably impacted the ability of midsize law firms to recruit and retain talent. Sparked by large salary increases by major international law firms, midsize law firms have similarly found themselves needing to raise salaries in order to stay competitive. The Thomson Reuters Institute’s 2022 Report on the State of the Legal Market, published in January, discussed the research of Frederick Herzberg, who in the 1950s posited that paying employees less than what they think they’re worth creates dissatisfaction, but paying them what they

 think they are worth is not sufficient to make them satisfied employees — a sort of “necessary versus sufficient” line of argument.

In this way, midsize law firms with lower pay scales must be careful to create firm cultures that provide satisfaction in ways other than cash compensation. There may be a plethora of necessary conditions to create a favorable working culture, which if present, can possibly overcome the allure of a higher

 salary. Absent these necessary conditions, however, it

 becomes increasingly likely that a higher salary
 will be sufficient to draw lawyers away. And particularly in today’s marketplace, every vacancy which must be filled represents a substantially more expensive endeavor than in years past.

In FY 2022, the Australian legal industry rode out a roller coaster of demand growth and contraction, finishing with strong revenue growth. To end its fiscal year so strongly speaks to the solid foundations upon which Australian law firms stand; and entering FY 2023, Australian law firms have reason to be optimistic.